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DREW, Robert (1575-1645), of Southbroom, Devizes, Wilts.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
bap. 18 Jan. 1575, 1st s. of John Drew of Southbroom by Eleanor, da. of William Cooke of Lacock. educ. Christ Church, Oxf. 1592; M. Temple 1592, called by 1602. m. 25 May 1602, Jane, da. of John Jackman, citizen and grocer of London, 6s. 5da. suc. fa. 1614.
Offices Held
Common councilman Devizes by 1603-40; j.p. Devizes 1606-40.
On 18 May 1599 the Middle Temple benchers refused Drew’s call to the bar because he had not performed his ‘exercises of learning’ either in the Temple or at the inns of chancery. He surrendered his chamber in May 1602. He was first returned for his local borough while still a student, but, apart from an entry in the journals on 15 Dec. 1601, permitting him to depart from Parliament ‘for his necessary and important affairs’, no further references to him during the Elizabethan period have been found. He died in 1645.
Wilts. Vis. Peds. (Harl. Soc. cv, cvi), 50; Bull and Waglen, Devizes, 119. 232; B. H. Cunnington, Annals Devizes, ii. 63, 97; D’Ewes, 686.