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CARY, John, of Salisbury, Wilts.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
Offices Held
Unlike most of the MPs for Salisbury during this period, Cary is not known to have held any office in the city or even to have been a member of its corporation. In May 1400, together with two Devon men, John Fynderne, a Derbyshire esquire, and two Londoners, Cary stood surety in the large sum of 1,000 marks for one William Reynald, undertaking that the latter should not procure unlawful assemblies in Salisbury or harm anyone there. In July 1406 he released a tenement in Winchester Street, Salisbury, to William Waryn* and others. A few months later, on 17 Oct. 1406, he was pardoned outlawry for not appearing to answer John Bonwode, a London draper, and Thomas Skynnerd of Lostwithiel, Cornwall, for debts of £2 and £4 6s.8d, respectively. Earlier that year he had been recorded holding a messuage and ten shops in Salisbury on a life tenancy.
CCR, 1399-1401, p. 210; CPR, 1405-8, p. 250; Salisbury RO, ‘Domesday bk.’ 2, f. 64; Wilts. Feet of Fines (Wilts. Rec. Soc. xli), 267.