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COOK, John I, of Leicester.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
s. of John Cook† of Leicester. m. bef. Sept. 1392, Alice.
Offices Held
Coroner, Leicester 23 Mar. 1391-19 Apr. 1393.1
Alnager, Leics. 14 May 1400-20 Jan. 1402.
Cook’s father, after whom he was named, had served as duchy of Lancaster receiver of Leicester from 1357, as mayor of the borough in 1360-2 and 1369-70, and as MP in 1365.2 He himself owned property in the town and witnessed deeds there. A notable benefactor of the guild of Corpus Christi, in 1392 he was instrumental in the foundation of a chantry of four priests who were to pray for the souls of guild members. For two years he was town coroner, but in April 1393 his removal was ordered because he was ‘abiding over sea’, probably carrying on his family’s business in the wine trade. Four years later he was pardoned his outlawry for not appearing to answer another Leicester burgess for a very substantial debt of £320. He is not recorded after 1403.3
Ref Volumes: 1386-1421
Author: Charles Kightly
- 1. C242/7/23.
- 2. John Cook the elder was himself the son of an earlier John, a prominent Leicester inn-keeper. Roll of Mayors ed. Hartopp, 17-18; Reg. Gaunt 1371-5, no. 1282; Wyggeston Hosp. Recs. ed. Thompson, nos. 544-6.
- 3. Leicester Bor. Recs. ed. Bateson, ii. 204-5, 411, 413; CCR, 1392-6, p. 56; 1402-5, p. 164; Trans. Leics. Arch. Soc. xiv. 160-1; CPR, 1396-9, p. 133; 1399-1401, p. 371.