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COSCOMBE (GOSCOMBE), John, of Exeter Devon.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
s. of William Coscombe (d.1400/1) of Exeter by his w. Margery (d.1402).
Offices Held
Steward, Exeter Mich. 1405-6, 1420-1, 1424-5, 1434-5, 1436-7, 1438-9, 1441-2; member of the council of 12, 1418-19, 1422-4.1
It was not until after the death of his father (who had been a steward of Exeter in 1381-2, 1393-4 and 1395-6, and receiver in 1384-5 and 1391-2) that, on 15 Aug. 1401, Coscombe was admitted as a freeman of the city, even though he had been returned to Parliament by the citizens earlier in the year. Some experience as a delegate had been acquired in 1398-9 when he had ridden to London on the city’s business, but although he was named on the panel of electors of the city government on upwards of a score of occasions between 1401 and 1441 and himself served as a steward for no fewer than seven terms, he never occupied a position of any greater importance. Coscombe attended the parliamentary elections held at Exeter castle in 1421, 1423 and 1431, on the last occasion providing securities for one of the knights of the shire, Richard Holland of Bowhill.2 The only property he is known to have held in Exeter was the house in High Street left him by his mother,3 but presumably he also had premises in another part of the city, where he plied his trade as a skinner.