Appendix VI: Vacancies in the 1529 Parliament
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Vacancies in the 1529 Parliament
SP1/82, ff. 59-59v, 62v
In 1532 or 1533 Thomas Wriothesley compiled a list of vacancies in the Parliament of 1529, though the fact came to light too late for inclusion in his biography. The purpose of this list appears not to have been to establish the names of the Members who had died or had been ennobled since its assembly, but to suggest replacements as Wriothesley, after the first entry, then went on to furnish a choice of names for consideration as replacements. This work may have been done in collaboration with, or else at the order of, Cromwell who completed the list and marked a number of names with a circle. A third person, possibly the King himself, then annotated the list. Both Wriothesley and Cromwell drew on one or more versions of the Crown Office list for the Parliament which no longer survive, and Cromwell perhaps had access to a source of information not available to Wriothesley. The order adopted by Wriothesley in compiling the list follows that then in use in Crown Office lists. The minister corrected Wriothesley’s mistake in putting Herefordshire and Shropshire among the boroughs but in transferring them to the correct partof the list he himself placed them wrongly after Wiltshire, presumably because there was originally a space at this point between the shires and the boroughs. The most recent vacanacies noted, those for Huntingdonshire and London, occured during August 1532: Sir John Neville II, whose name Cromwell marked with a circle, was returned at a by-election for Yorkshire on 3 Feb. 1533, the day before the reassembly of the Parliament.
Spelling not modernized
Herafter foloweth the names of the knightes of severall sheres in England which ar departed to god sens the begynnynge of the parlament
Ebor †1 Johannes Nevill miles creatus Baro
Thomas wentworth miles
o Johannes Nevile miles
Lincoln y Robertus hussy armiger
o Willelmus Skipworth armiger
o Robert Turwatt miles
Bedd yo Johannes Saynt John miles
Johannes Gostwik armiger
Buk yo ffranciscus Brian armiger [deleted] miles
Robertus Leee miles
Hunt yo Ricardus Sapkott armiger
Johannes Castell armiger
Suff y Phillipus Tylney miles
o Arturus hopton miles
Essex yo Thomas darcy miles
o Brianus hopton miles
Johannes Tyrrell armiger
Hertf yo Syr gyles Capell2
Midd yo John Conysbye3
Kant yo Thomas Cheyny miles
Edward Nevile miles
Wiltes y Thomas ap Rice armiger Edwardus Seymour
o Henricus Longe miles
Salop o Johannes Talbott4
Hereforde o Johannes Skydmore5
Civitas Rossen y Nota for mr Attorney
Burgus de Southarck y Nota for my lorde of Suff
Burgus de horsham6 y Nota for my lorde of Norff
Salop7 y Willelmus meryan miles
Hereford8 y Johannes Skidmore
Jacobus Baskervile armiger
Villa Wigorn y the king to name one
Villa de West bedwyn y the kinges pleasure
Civitas wynton y the kinges pleasure
Burgus de Lyn9 y Willelmus Symondes
Burgus de Tavestoke y Johannes Rastell Junior
Burgus de Truru10 y the kinges pleasure
London y
Ebor y
Hastings y nota for the warden of the portes
preston in amoundernes12
The names of knightes of the sheres departed14
Ref Volumes: 1509-1558
Author: S. T. Bindoff
End Notes
- 1. The significance of the symbols in this second coluumn has not been ascertained.
- 2. In Cromwell's hand.
- 3. Ibid.
- 4. Ibid.
- 5. Ibid.
- 6. As both the Members, Alfred Berwick and Henry Hussey, returned for Horsham survived the Parliament its inclusion namesake, Sir John Hussey, one of the knights for Lincolnshire, who was ennobled during the first session.
- 7. The abbreviation 'Salop' is used for both town and county. Although its position on the list is correct for the town, there was no vacancy in the Parliament for Shrewsbury. Cromwell added Shropshire to the list of shires with vacancies on the front of the sheet.
- 8. The form 'Hereford(e)' was used interchangeably for the city and the county. Although its position on the list is correct for the city, there was no vacancy in the Parliament for Hereford. As with Shropshire, Cromwell added Hertfordshire to the shire with vacancies.
- 9. Lyme Regis.
- 10. As both the Members returned in 1529 survived the Parliament the inclusion of Truro was presumably a mistake for Lostwithiel which it precedes in the official sequence and where there was a vacancy following the death of Richard Bryan alias Croker in May 1532.
- 11. In Cromwell's hand. One of the city's Members Thomas Atwode died in 1532 and was replaced by Robert Darknell before the opening of the fifth session on 4 Feb. 1533.
- 12. In Cromwell's hand. Walton is mistakenly described as 'mortuus' on the surviving Crown Office list for the Parliament. Preston was perhaps a slip from Lancaster which follows in the official sequences, one of the Lancaster Members, Laurence Starkey, dying in July 1532.
- 13. The sheet of paper used for the list was folded in four before Wriothesley started to write. The second, third and fourth folios were never used, save for an endorsement on the last folio made by Cromwell.
- 14. In Cromwell's hand.