Appendix XI: 'They which stood for the true religion' October 1553
Published in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509-1558, ed. S.T. Bindoff, 1982
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Available from Boydell and Brewer
The following 60 names are marked on the Crown Office list for the Parliament of October 1553: ‘They which stood for the true religion are signed thus†’.
Nicholas Adams alias Bodrugan | William Hunston |
William Badger | Sir Henry Hussey |
Robert Beverley | Thomas Jekyn |
Richard Blackwell | Edward Leighton |
John Blundell | John Leweston |
Sir Edward Bray | Simon Linch |
(Sir) Edmund Brydges | John Lyttelton |
Sir Peter Carew | Thomas Markham |
Matthew Colthurst | Thomas Marrow |
Humphrey Coningsby | John Marshe |
Sir Thomas Cornwallis | (Sir) Walter Mildmay |
Henry Creed | William More II |
(Sir) Thomas Dyer | John Nethermill |
Robert Eyre I | Henry Peckham |
Thomas Farnham | (Sir) John Perrot |
Robert Farrar | Owen Reynolds |
William Fitzwilliam | George Rithe |
Sir Francis Fleming | Sir Edward Rogers |
Richard Fulmerston | (Sir) Thomas Russell |
Thomas Gawdy I | Robert Saunders |
Thomas Gawdy II | Ralph Skinner |
John Gayer | William Smethwick |
John Godwin I | Henry Stafford |
Francis Goldsmith | Sir Giles Strangways II |
John Gosnold | Clement Throckmorton |
William Hawkins | John Throckmorton I1 |
George Heneage | (Sir) Nicholas Throckmorton |
Thomas Heneage | Charles Vaughan |
(Sir) John Hercy | John Walpole |
Sir Ralph Hopton | Sir Edward Warner |
Initially the following were also noted as standing ‘for the true religion’ but the marks were later struck through.
Edward Chamberlain II
Sir John Horsey (Sir)
Thomas Smith I
Ref Volumes: 1509-1558
Author: S. T. Bindoff
End Notes
- 1. Also marked ‘With the last Act and against the first’.