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WANDESFORD, Christopher (1656-1707), of Kirklington, Yorks. and Castlecomer, co. Kilkenny.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. 19 Aug. 1656, 1st s. of Sir Christopher Wandesford, 1st Bt., of Kirklington by Eleanor, da. of Sir John Lowther, 1st Bt., of Lowther, Westmld.; nephew of John Wandesford. educ. Trinity Coll. Camb. 1669-at least 1672; I. Temple, entered 1671. m. settlement 20 Apr. 1683, Elizabeth, da. of George Montagu of Horton, Northants., 4s. 1da. suc. fa. as 2nd Bt. 23 Feb. 1687; cr. Visct. Castlecomer [I] 15 Mar. 1707.
Offices Held
J.p. Yorks. (N. Riding) 1689-?d., commr. for assessment 1689-90, sheriff Jan.-Nov. 1690, col. of militia ft. by 1697-?d., dep. lt. by 1700-?d.1
PC [I] 10 May 1695-d.
MP [I] 1692-d.
Wandesford’s uncle, the head of the family, was sequestrated by Parliament in the Civil War, though he took no part in the fighting. His father was politically inactive, both before and after succeeding to the estate in 1651, though he was given a baronetcy at the Restoration. Wandesford defeated (Sir) Edmund Jennings at Ripon, some ten miles from Kirklington, in the second election of 1679, and represented the borough in the second and third Exclusion Parliaments, presumably as a country Member. He was appointed to no committees and made no speeches. He was attainted by the Irish Parliament of James II in 1689. The remainder of his life was devoted to the affairs of Ireland, notably those of county Kilkenny, where he had inherited an estate of some 20,000 acres. He died in London on 15 Sept. 1707 and was buried at Kirklington. His son sat for Ripon as an independent Whig from 1715 to his death.2