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FOWNES, John, jun. (?1687-1733), of Nethway and Kittery Court, nr. Dartmouth, Devon.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. ?1687, 1st s. of John Fownes, M.P. Dartmouth 1714-15, of Nethway by Anne, da. of Edward Yarde, M.P. Dartmouth 1681, of Churston Ferrers, Devon. educ. Hart Hall, Oxf. 10 Oct. 1702, aged 15. m. (1) 24 Jan. 1709, Elizabeth (d. 23 Jan. 1719), da. and h. of Robert Berry of Plymouth, 1s, 4da.; (2) 9 May 1720, Anne, da. of Samuel Maddock of Tamerton Folliot, nr. Plymouth, Devon, 3s. suc. fa. 1731.
Offices Held
Fownes belonged to an old Plymouth family, who began to acquire landed property towards the end of the seventeenth century, purchasing Nethway in 1696, and Kingswear, near Dartmouth, in 1717.1 Returned for Dartmouth as a Tory in 1715, he is only recorded as voting once, against the septennial bill. In 1721 his name was sent to the Pretender as a probable supporter in the event of a rising.2 He did not stand again, dying 1 Oct. 1733. His elder son, Henry Fownes, married the daughter and heir of Alexander Luttrell.