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MAISTER, William (aft.1660-1716), of Hull, Yorks.
Published in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1715-1754, ed. R. Sedgwick, 1970
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Available from Boydell and Brewer
1701 - 28 Oct. 1716
Family and Education
b. aft. 1660, 1st s. of Henry Maister, alderman, chamberlain and mayor of Hull, dep. gov. of E.I. and Hamburg companies, by Anne, da. of William Raikes, alderman and chamberlain of Hull and warden of Trinity House.1 m. aft. Feb. 1696, Lucy, da. of Alderman John Rogers of Hull, sis. of Nathaniel Rogers and wid. of George Dickinson, collector of customs, Hull, 4s. 1da.2 suc. fa. 1699.
Offices Held
Sheriff, Hull, 1699.
William Maister belonged to a leading merchant family of Hull, which he represented as a Whig in eight successive Parliaments till his death, 28 Oct. 1716.