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MAITLAND, Charles (c.1708-51), of Pittrichie, Aberdeen.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. c.1704, o.s. of Hon. Alexander Arbuthnott, afterwards Maitland, M.P. [S], baron of the Exchequer [S] (3rd s. of the 2nd Visct. Arbuthnott [S]), by Jean, da. of Sir Charles Maitland, 3rd Bt., M.P. [S], sis. and h. of Sir Charles Maitland, 4th Bt., of Pittrichie. educ. adv. 1727. unm. suc. fa. June 1721.
Offices Held
Sheriff, Edinburgh 1747-8.
On 23 July 1747 the Duke of Argyll reported to Henry Pelham that at the election for Aberdeen Burghs
Mr. Maitland, the great favourite, appeared there as delegate from the town [Inverbervie] of Lord Arbuthnott, a non-juror. I am informed that this Mr. Maitland did lately give most false account of the late poll election at Brechin to the Earl of Morton, which his Lordship was to send you.1
At a by-election for Aberdeen Burghs in 1748 Maitland was returned on the interest of his first cousin, Lord Arbuthnott, defeating David Scott, the ministerial candidate. In 1750 Lord Morton told Newcastle that some time ago Maitland had been talked of for the next vacancy in the court of session but that now he seemed to have been dropped.2 He died a year later, 13 Nov. 1751.