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MISSING, Thomas (d.1733), of Stubbington, in Titchfield, Hants.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
m. Rebecca, 1s. 5da.
Offices Held
Mayor, Portsmouth 1720-1.
Thomas Missing, a Portsmouth merchant whose parentage has not been ascertained, was made a freeman and alderman there in January 1711. In March 1715 he obtained a lucrative contract for victualling the garrison at Gibraltar, which he held till his death.1 Five years later he was given similar contracts for troops in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.2 Returned, presumably as a Whig, for Southampton in 1722, he was defeated in 1727. In September 1728 he proposed to the board of Trade that ‘as he hath a correspondence that way and hath with reputation carried over a great many to America’, he should be engaged to transport yearly a number of Protestant Palatines to Carolina ‘and victual them till they can support themselves’.3 He died 6 July 1733.