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MONTAGU, George (c.1684-1739), of Horton, Northants.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. c.1684, 1st s. of Edward Montagu of Horton and bro. of Edward Montagu. m. (1) 8 Apr. 1706, Ricarda Posthuma (d. Apr. 1711), da. and h. of Richard Saltonstall of Chipping Warden, Northants., 1da.; (2) Lady Mary Lumley, da. of Richard, 1st Earl of Scarbrough, sis. of Hon. Charles, James, John and Thomas Lumley, 1s. 6da. suc. uncle, Charles Montagu, M.P., 1st Earl of Halifax, as 2nd Baron Halifax, 19 May 1715; cr. Earl of Halifax 14 June 1715; K.B. 27 May 1725.
Offices Held
Auditor of the Exchequer 1714-d.; ranger of Bushey Park 1715-d.; P.C. 27 Nov. 1717.
On coming of age Montagu was returned as a Whig on his family’s interest for Northampton. At George I’s accession he was appointed to the greatest sinecure in England, the auditorship of the Exchequer, worth £7,000 a year, by his uncle, Charles Montagu, Earl of Halifax, then 1st lord of the Treasury, to whose barony he succeeded in 1715, the earldom of Halifax being at the same time revived in his favour. He died 9 May 1739.