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MORGAN, John (1671-1720), of Tredegar, Mon.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. 4 Jan. 1671, 4th s. of William Morgan, M.P., of Tredegar and Machen, Mon. by his 1st w. Blanche, da. and h. of William Morgan of Dderw, Brec. m. 9 Jan. 1700, Martha, o. da. of Gwyn Vaughan of Trebarried, Brec., 7s. 2da. suc. e. bro. Thomas Morgan, M.P., at Tredegar, Machen and Dderw (then worth £7,000 p.a.) 1700; uncle, John Morgan, M.P., at Ruperra, Glam. 1715.
Offices Held
Custos rot. Mon. from 1700; ld. lt. Mon. and Brec. 1715-d.
The Morgans of Tredegar were the leading Whig family in South Wales, with estates in Monmouthshire, which they represented in every Parliament from the Revolution to the beginning of the nineteenth century; in Breconshire, where they controlled the county and borough seats; and in Glamorganshire, where they had a strong interest. Returned for Monmouthshire in 1701, John Morgan established the reputation of a great supporter of the Whig interest in the county.1 After George I’s accession he voted for the septennial bill in 1716 but was absent from the division on the Occasional Conformity and Schism Acts, though he had been obliged in matters of patronage by the Government and pressed to attend.2 He did not vote on the peerage bill, on which he was classed as doubtful and to be spoken to by Sunderland. He died 7 Mar. 1720.