St. Germans

Double Member Borough

Published in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1754-1790, ed. L. Namier, J. Brooke., 1964
Available from Boydell and Brewer

Background Information

Right of Election:

in ‘householders who have lived a year in the borough’1

Number of voters:

about 20


22 Apr. 1754Edward Eliot
 Anthony Champion
30 Jan. 1760Eliot re-elected after appointment to office
2 Apr. 1761Edward Eliot
 Philip Stanhope
11 June 1765William Hussey vice Stanhope, vacated his seat
23 Mar. 1768Edward Eliot
 Samuel Salt
14 Dec. 1768George Jennings vice Salt, chose to sit for Liskeard
 Benjamin Langlois vice Eliot, chose to sit for Liskeard
5 Dec. 1772Langlois re-elected after appointment to office
12 Oct. 1774Edward Eliot
 Banjamin Langlois
23 Nov. 1775John Pownall vice Eliot, vacated his seat
31 May 1776John Peachey vice Pownall, appointed to office
3 June 1778Langlois re-elected after appointment to office
11 Sept. 1780Edward James Eliot
 Dudley Long
22 July 1782Eliot re-elected after appointment to office
3 Jan. 1784Eliot re-elected after appointment to office
5 Apr. 1784John James Hamilton
 Abel Smith
3 Sept. 1788Samuel Smith vice Abel Smith, deceased
1 Feb. 1790Sir Charles Hamilton vice John James Hamilton, called to the Upper House

Main Article

All electoral surveys during this period assign the borough to Edward Eliot, in the briefest terms, without any qualification. Thus Newcastle, March 1754: ‘Mr. Eliot’s interest’; Thomas Jones, Lord Edgcumbe’s agent, June 1760: ‘Mr. Eliot’; Rockingham, summer 1765: ‘Edward Eliot, Esq., absolutely’; John Robinson, December 1783: ‘Under Mr. Eliot’s arrangement’.2

Author: Sir Lewis Namier


  • 1. Oldfield, Boroughs (1792), i. 182.
  • 2. Add. 32995, ff. 75-82; 32907, ff. 461-2; Fitzwilliam mss, Northants RO; Laprade, 84.