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Newport I.o.W.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Background Information
Right of Election:
in the corporation
Number of voters:
Date | Candidate |
28 Jan. 1715 | ANTHONY MORGAN |
25 Apr. 1717 | JAMES STANHOPE vice Morgan, chose to sit for Yarmouth, I.o.W. |
22 July 1717 | SIR TRISTRAM DILLINGTON vice Stanhope, called to the Upper House |
2 Aug. 1721 | Thomas Stanwix vice Dillington, deceased |
23 Mar. 1722 | Charles Lennox, Earl of March |
Charles Whitworth, Baron Whitworth | |
29 Oct. 1722 | Charles Cadogan vice March, chose to sit for Chichester |
1 Feb. 1726 | George Huxley vice Whitworth, deceased |
31 Jan. 1727 | Sir William Willys vice Cadogan, called to the Upper House |
21 Aug. 1727 | George Huxley |
William Fortescue | |
2 June 1729 | Huxley re-elected after appointment to office |
27 May 1730 | Fortescue re-elected after appointment to office |
27 Apr. 1734 | William Fortescue |
George Huxley | |
17 Feb. 1736 | Gustavus Hamilton, Visct. Boyne, vice Fortescue, appointed to office |
27 June 1737 | Boyne re-elected after appointment to office |
8 May 1741 | Anthony Chute |
Monoux Cope | |
2 July 1747 | Bluett Wallop |
Thomas Lee Dummer | |
20 June 1749 | Ralph Jenison vice Wallop, deceased |
Main Article
In 1715 the Newport seats were filled by Anthony Morgan, a government supporter, and William Stephens, a local Tory landowner, without opposition, though Morgan, who had been appointed lieutenant governor of the Isle of Wight after George I's accession, tried to persuade the Government to put up a second candidate, assuring them that 'it will be an easy matter to bring in two Whigs at that corporation'.1 At all subsequent elections both seats were filled on the recommendation of the Administration without a contest. On 30 Jan. 1722 Lord Cadogan, governor of the Isle of Wight, offering to bring in Charles, Lord Whitworth, for Newport, wrote:
I have already engaged the corporation. I shall endeavour to make the terms as easy to you as I can, but in this time of general corruption and that most boroughs sell themselves by inch of candle, it will not be possible to come in anywhere without some expense.2
Whitworth's election cost him £600.3 After 1740 Newport, like the other Isle of Wight boroughs, was managed for the Administration by Thomas Holmes.4